Family Bio

TIM enjoys being out of doors in the woods, especially hunting, fishing or just walking through the woods looking for deer.  He especially enjoyed picking up bow hunting for the first time in many years, and was pleased to get a deer with his bow.  He is an avid PACKER fan and enjoys cheering his team on.  Tim has been the missions director for LHC Missions and has led short term missions teams to China, Turkey and mostly to Kenya Africa.  His passion is to see teens lives changed by what God can do in the life of a teenager through missions.

CHRISSY has been a stay at home mom since 1995. In her free time, she enjoys reading, loves all kinds of flowers, bible studies with friends, going out for coffee with friends.  She also loves to travel.  Visiting other countries and exploring new sights, learning about their cultures, has always been intriguing and interesting to her.  Chrissy has been involved with organizing and participating in short term mission trips.  She has been to Kenya six times and is excited to see what God has in store for our family.   

MCKENNA is a Senior at Crivitz High School.  Some of the things she likes to be involved with is volleyball, track and field, short term mission trips, youth groups and hanging out with friends, and serving as a camp counselor to people with disabilities.  Her plans for after graduation is to move with our family to Kenya for one year, focusing on learning Swahili, taking online college courses and be involved with the ministries in Kenya.  She started going to Kenya when she was 4 and has been on a total of six short term missions trips to Kenya with her LHC youth group.

TOM is a freshman at Crivitz High School.  In his spare time he likes to hang out with friends at youth group, playing percussions for pep band, and started going to Kenya when he was 2.  Tom has been on three missions trips with his youth group.  This past summer Tom was a counselor for the first time at a camp for people with disabilities.  Tom is interested and excited to experience life as a teenager in Kenya.

KADEN is a fifth grader at Crivitz Elementary.  He when asked to describe himself, he said "funny".  Yes, he does have a sense of humor as well as caring, compassionate and giving side to him.  He always has a smile on his face (most of the time) but takes life as it comes.  He too has been to Kenya, but doesn't remember a whole lot about it because he was only 10 months old at the time.  He was surprised to learn that Kenya has a lot of similarities to American especially such places as "fast food" places to eat like pizza and hamburgers.  He was glad to hear that!  :)  Kaden enjoys archery, shooting his BB gun, fishing and swimming.

MICAH is a third grader at Crivitz Elementary.  He is always looking for an adventure or places to explore.  Eager to try new things and willing to see what lies around the next corner (so to speak).  Some things he really enjoys doing is playing with his dog Patch (whom we will all be very sad to say goodbye to), tried baseball for the first time last summer and really enjoyed winning his first trophy, likes to "hang out" with his friends from church and school and enjoys playing video games, archery, shooting BBguns, fishing and swimming.

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